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Recognise Your Prior Learning

Towards a British qualification

What is Recognition of Prior Learning?


“Recognition of prior learning (RPL), prior learning assessment (PLA), or prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR), describes a process used by regulatory bodies, adult learning centres, career development practitioners, employers, training institutions, colleges and universities around the world to evaluate skills and knowledge acquired outside the classroom for the purpose of recognising competence against a given set of standards, competencies, or learning outcomes.


Methods of assessing prior learning are varied and include evaluation of prior experience gained through volunteer work, previous paid or unpaid employment, or observation of actual workplace behaviour. The essential element of RPL is that it is an assessment of evidence provided by an individual to support their claim for competence against a given set of standards or learning outcomes.


The use of RPL for admission and/or credit in standard programmes enables individuals to have their work-based knowledge acknowledged as relevant, worthwhile and equivalent to learning obtained in the higher education classroom.


We have a well developed RPL process that can help you obtain recognition for the skills and knowledge you already have; don’t delay, contact us today to see how we can enable your higher education journey to commence straight away.


The benefits of recognising prior learning

  1. Facilitates access for ‘non-traditional’ students – people who may not have had the opportunity to do further study.

  2. Acknowledges the value of learning outside a formal setting, e.g. values and recognises learning in the workplace.

  3. Validates the worth of learning students have achieved by themselves

  4. Enables students to progress to other education and training programmes

  5. Eliminates unnecessary repetition and duplication of material already familiar to the student.

  6. Shortens the time necessary to earn a qualification – this motivates students who might otherwise be discouraged by the length of time required to complete a college level course or a particular programme of study.

  7. Enhances students’ pride and self-esteem for what they have accomplished as learners.

  8. Enhances students’ perception and understanding of learning as a lifelong process.


If you have worked for a period of time and feel confident you can do a particular job, but don’t have a formal qualification, the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will benefit you by as a means of fast tracking into a higher education qualification or University Hons Degree or Masters.


The RPL system is designed to reduce unnecessary education, training and assessment activities for what you already know and do. In doing so, it can help to reduce the cost and time it takes to complete or achieve a qualification.


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